Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Thank you and a Giveaway.....

So the mail man came today and I get a box from Canada, mind you I am NOT expecting a package from anybody in CAN.  Several weeks ago I mentioned in the PR that I would like to get Diem a pair of Kai Lan tennis shoes off of Ebay but they were expensive.  Well a girl Tiffany from in there sent Diem two pair just out of the blue!  It warms my heart to know there are sweet, loving, warm, caring people out there.  She does not know me irl, we only know each other form the PR and she has NO reason to do something this sweet for "us", but she did.  We have family that is not even this nice to us (Diem and I).  I feel truly blessed and grateful to have the FRIENDS that I do.  I'm sure plenty of "my" family is talking crap behind my back (even though it would be nice if they would just say it to my face).  Anyways enough about that...again thank you Tiffany and thank you to all of my friends that have spoiled Diem rotten this Christmas!  Well heck who always do! LOL
Now onto my giveaway!!! WOOHOO  Mrs. Jennie over at Jennies Bow's is going to let one lucky mamma or daddy pick a bow of a choice for her little one!!!   So what I would like for you to do is tell me what you love the most about this time of year!  Thanks mammas and daddys!!


Kayla Wells said...

I knew about the shoes and have been waitin gand waiting to hear if she found your address! LOL I hope Diem loves them and you needed the uplift today.

As far as the thing I love most about this holiday is that it is the easiest tim eof year for me to just push everything else aside and enjoy my family and whatnot without worrying abotu drama. I know for me it is also the most dramatic time of year, but, I know it is going to be and so I guess I sort of just care less abotu making everyone happy and enjoy the lights and sounds and smells of Christmas.
I also love being pregnant at christmas. IT is the ONLY time of year I do enjoy it. It gives me a much better appreciation for all Mary endured. :)
Nikia~ I hope things turn around for youa dn that you have an incredibly blessed and happy Christmas. With all my heart! ~ Kayla

Vanessa said...

I absolutely love getting together with my family and friends this time of the year. Even though I don't necessarily "enjoy" this cold, it is fun to cuddle up all together and just read or watch a movie! :)

butterflyjuju said...

I love all the Christmas decorations. Driving around and seeing everyone's lights outside and getting a peek of their trees in the house.

Crystal said...

-not entering the contest-
But what a sweet PL! The PR is filled with such sweethearts.

Amy Kelley said...

What a sweet PL!!

This time of year it's a real struggle for me, especially this year. I am having trouble finding the positives. But watching my daughters eyes light up at the Christmas lights when we venture out in the dark is so fun! She is truly in AWE!!

The Mamma said...

I love the christmas lights. They always make me smile :)

Unknown said...

just stoping to say hi



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